Goal 1

Cultivate Justice

Increase health, wealth, leadership, and power for BIPOC communities across our food system

Oppression and exploitation have deep roots in our country, beginning with the genocide of Indigenous people and further with the enslavement of Black people. This legacy, along with centuries of discriminatory policies, has been institutionalized in all aspects of our society and continues to marginalize Black, Indigenous, and people of color, creating significant health disparities, continued exploitation of labor, and barriers to opportunity and ownership.

In the food system, healthy food access, food and farm labor, and land and business ownership are all divided along racial lines. Communities of color experience the highest rates of poverty, food insecurity, and diet-related illness. In the U.S., Hispanic/Latinx people comprise nearly 80% of farmworkers, receiving extraordinarily low wages, having few labor protections, and working under heavily compromised conditions on a regular basis. And farmers of color experience significant disparities in land and business ownership, comprising less than 10% of farmland ownership and receiving less than 2% of farm sales.

Through Food Vision 2030, we have an opportunity to reverse these trends. We can elevate opportunities for healthy food access, ownership, and power across Black, Indigenous, and people of color in San Diego County. We can create a more just food system, one that belongs to all of us.

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